soft timer中文什么意思

发音:   用"soft timer"造句
  • soft:    adj. 1.软的,柔软的 (opp ...
  • timer:    n. 1.时计,跑表。 2.记时员。 ...
  • abort timer:    异常终止计时器; 中断定时器
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  1. At last , we realized a mechanism of soft timer , which is for the need of project
    最后,本论文为cos -内核新增了软计时器,满足了工程应用对定时性的需求。
  2. The paper gives the evidences for making use of auto - reclose technology in ineffectively grounded systems from its importance , feasibility and validity . to develop the single - chip microcomputer of the device , the paper does a lot of work of design hardware and software include using soft timer with task - plan solving the whole arrangement of the process


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